Understand Live Flamenco

Free mini-course

With selected lessons from our main courses.

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FREE mini-course - Understand Live Flamenco


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What stage of flamenco are you at?

Have you been learning flamenco as a fixed choreography?

Are you wanting to experience the spontaneity there is in flamenco dance, song & guitar?

If so, then sign up for our FREE mini-course.

How do you dance to live song (cante) and guitar?

How can singers accompany dancers? How can guitarists accompany dancers and singers?

Did you know that dancers, singers and guitarists use codes to communicate in flamenco?

Created for dancers, singers and guitarists.

Enroll to get your free account and start learning right away!

Who will be teaching you?

Not just 1 but 3 acclaimed maestros from Spain,
highly experienced in performing and teaching.

Manuel Betanzos (Dance)

Manuel Soto (Song)

Javier Ibáñez (Guitar)